Saturday, August 16, 2008

Chop chop

It is said that what distinguishes us human beings from animals is our ability to reason and reflect. I believe that to be true. With that capability comes the ability to judge, not only others, also ourselves. One area that seems a universal part of judgement is our hair. Or, more precisely our bodily and facial hair, especially as a (western) woman. We have too much - seldom too little - in the wrong places and it only gets more - or worse - as we grow older.

The other day one of my girl friends asked me - in a confidential voice, slightly conspiritorial - if I was growing chest hair. Misunderstanding the question I replied that I have the odd misbehaving hair around my nipples. Who doesn't? Even those who live in acceptance of having hair in less acceptable places or those who don't talk about hairy stuff can be found in Boots buying creams, pincers, or more painful remedies.

Anyway, it turns out my friend was talking about chest hair, not breast hair. Of course hormones and age are responsible. I wonder how many other age related bodily surprises are in store that our mums didn't tell us about.

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